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Last logged in Jun 27, 2018


theRecommender (Jan 01, 2015)

Hi there LadyLazarus,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habbits of all the users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.

You should watch Arrested Development because you already follow Parks and Recreation, Community, Breaking Bad
You should watch Boardwalk Empire because you already follow The Sopranos, Dexter, Breaking Bad
You should watch True Blood because you already follow Lost, Dexter, Fringe, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones

If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.

vmartinez (Oct 24, 2013)

Tamén é verdade, nese sentido vexo eu máis a tele ca ti... cada día dame máis igual...a tele...

LadyLazarus (Oct 22, 2013)

@vmartinez que ritmo, esto non é nada, soamente vexo unha comedia (20 min) na comida e un drama pola noite (40 min ou 1 hora), non vexo tele así q...

Se non tivese promo interna...

vmartinez (Oct 21, 2013)

Non podo seguir o teu ritmo... agora mesmo é imposible... Non dou feito con todo e mais a promo-interna.... buffff :P

vmartinez (Oct 09, 2013)

porque non queres...

LadyLazarus (Oct 09, 2013)

@vmartinez Oes, que eu non son a profe!

vmartinez (Oct 03, 2013)

#BrBa rematei xa a primeira temporada... estes días estoume aplicando :P

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4713 Watched
  • Country Spain
  • Join date Oct 25, 2012
