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Lemon • Sarah Henkens

Last logged in 7 hours ago


Lemon (Oct 29, 2012)

@joseym I'm glad you like it :)

joseym (Oct 29, 2012)

Thanks for getting me hooked on misfits

Lemon (Sep 13, 2012)

@dothraki When its done really, i'm swamped at the moment with my day job, dont really have the time to develop for Hopefully soon i will have some more free time to finish off long outstanding features.

dothraki (Sep 13, 2012)

@Lemon When is the iPhone app coming ?

Lemon (Sep 11, 2012)

@oranges Gender is not a binary, a lot of websites forget that there are more genders than male and female and everything in between. Its usability 101 :)

oranges (Sep 11, 2012)

I just noticed 'It's complicated' as a gender option. Well done on providing it, and making it kinda funny :)

Artifex (Aug 30, 2012)

@Lemon Well you've done a great job so far, keep it up.

Lemon (Aug 24, 2012)

@Artifex Its on our roadmap to do recommendations. We are lacking developers in the team to really dive in those features. We are all pre occupied with performance tweaks, API and mobile app.

Artifex (Aug 23, 2012)

@Artifex Still hoping you could implement this feature. And I meant 'grateful' of course.

Valcke (Aug 13, 2012)

Hi Lemon,

I was wondering if it would be possible to have a page of the series "Arn".

Thanks in advance! :)

felixvdp (Jul 22, 2012)

A shoutbox would be nice, where you can chat with other members of the community about new shows and whatnot

Artifex (Jun 27, 2012)

You know what would be a great feature? Recommended for you. Just like IMDB has. I would be very greatful if you could actually implement such a feature.

Foirzie (May 26, 2012)

Hi, can the airdates of Episodes be fixed: Cheers

Artifex (May 14, 2012)

@linker Ori arc wasn't that bad. At the same time there were SGA episodes, so as long as one of the two was great, it didn't matter. SGU on the other hand was the only one.

linker (May 09, 2012)

@Artifex +1 on SGU being a piece of crap compared to SG1 (prior to ORI arc) and SGA. :)

Artifex (May 08, 2012)

@Lemon Ah I see, I was just really hoping to see another spin-off of the stargate series, so it was a huge disappointment for me. But maybe I should give it another go.

Lemon (May 08, 2012)

@Artifex I'm originally from Belgium, moved to the UK last year :)

It helps by looking at SGU as a complete separation from the existing stargate franchise, people keep comparing it to the original more comedy centric sg-1 and atlantis.

On its own it has some great drama. Touches a good set of scenarios which are more true to how real people would react in their scenario. The first season was not the best but i loved the second season.

Artifex (May 08, 2012)

Can I ask you two questions?

Firstly, why are you love Stargate SG-1 and SGU, but not Atlantis? I personally think SGU is a piece of crap (in the Stargate series at least) and Atlantis is much, much better. Then again, I see you do love Battlestar galactica, which apparantly is a lot like SGU. Both of them are just a little bit to dramatic and character focused for my taste.

Second question: Since your name is Jelle, I wonder: Are you originally from the Netherlands?

Scyonn (Apr 22, 2012)

Just noticed that "little" detail! :S thank you!

Lemon (Apr 08, 2012)

@tiagoh Yes, when you unfollow a show, all your watch history will stay there. To remove the watch history, you have to remove it via the bulk tool for that show.

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  • Join date Jan 12, 2010

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