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lizzymaxia just watched Elementary
Aug 01, 2018

"I'd lay down my life for you."



Ended - United States - Drama, Mystery and Crime


lizzymaxia (Aug 01, 2018)

- Look... I've never felt any pressure from you that I co-parent. But your idea that I take no responsibility in raising your child is naive. It's not that I think you're not capable of raising a child on your own-- of course you are-- but... short of us dissolving our partnership, I'm not capable of not being involved. Not as the child's father, but as its mother's friend. I mean, I'd lay down my life for you. So, if you succeed in adopting a child, I'll lay down my life for him or her. It's... it's as simple as that.
- Have you thought about what you want to be called by my kid? I mean, assuming I get one. I was thinking "Uncle Sherlock".
- Yeah, well, I've been called worse. I'd also settle for "Detective".
- My child is not calling you "Detective."
- Well, "Uncle Detective," then.