Arrow - 3x21 Al Sah-him

Al Sah-him

Oliver goes through a rigorous transformation. The League of Assassins sets their sights on Nyssa, who is back in Starling City training Laurel. When Nyssa realizes they are coming, she arms up to face them alone but Laurel asks Felicity and Diggle to help protect her new friend.


Artifex (Dec 16, 2015)

@saltzman Not at all. But since I saw this I've been researching it, and apparently it's not bad at all. I will try it someday.

saltzman (Dec 09, 2015)

@Artifex Doesn't everyone?

Artifex (Sep 19, 2015)

Americans seriously dip their fries in their milkshakes?! What the hell!

CrimsonLips (May 10, 2015)

Gooood Laurel is so lame! She pisses me off still -.-

Jolbor (May 01, 2015)

@Sandrosaurus saw it too, hope you're right..

Sandrosaurus (May 01, 2015)

@Jolbor Nah, hence the title for the final...he will snap back or maybe he's faking it.

Jolbor (May 01, 2015)

omg :o he's not going to do it is he?

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  • 4.0 (309 votes)
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  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Aired Apr 29, 2015
  • Episode 3x21
  • Show special No


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