This is a period drama series illustrating the daily lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in Downton Abbey - their stately home. The Crawleys have been the Earls of Grantham since 1772. In the drawing rooms and library and beautiful bedrooms, with their tall windows looking across the park, lives the family, but below stairs are other residents, the servants, as fiercely possessive of their ranks as anyone above.
Some of them are loyal to the family and are committed to Downton as a way of life, others are moving through, on the look out for new opportunities or love or just adventure. The difference being that they know so many of the secrets of the family, while the family knows so few of theirs.
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Episode 1
aired Sep 26, 2010
@kirkmc is it relevant to the series or can it be skipped?
The next episode is another "Christmas special," to be broadcast in the UK on Christmas day.
My friends are all effing noobs for not following this.
@Jolin211 I can't wait either :D
Can't wait for the next season!