Voice actor Matthew Mercer leads a group of fellow voice actors on epic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. These familiar voices bring the audience into the full experience of D&D, allowing imaginations to soar as the characters embark on adventures. This is Critical Role!
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aired Mar 14, 2015
@KasperL Nice! Thanks for the tip!
@coolbreeze85: Seasons 3 and onward are (for some reason) copies of the episodes from S1 + S2, spread out over multiple seasons. You can ignore them entirely. In the tab 'episodes' you can scratch these by clicking 'bulk edit episodes' and then marking them as 'skipped'.
Why are there seasons 3 onward?
finally the episode count is fixed
the runtime is very off, considering 180 minutes is the /minimum/ for an episode. also this hasn't been updated for weeks now, we're near the 100th episode, not to mention the liam hosting specials aren't even taken into consideration.... seriously, let users fix this
the episode and season information for this show is in serious need of an edit. when on earth is this site going to allow users to make changes already?
If anyone is interested in watching this show, to watch from the beginning go to http://geekandsundry.com/critical-role-episode-1/. Once you have caught up, it airs every thursday at https://www.twitch.tv/geekandsundry.