This coming-of-age drama tracked the experiences of the naive Felicity Porter (Keri Russell), who moves across the country to New York to attend college and pursue her high school crush, Ben Covington (Scott Speedman). The show followed Felicity and her new friends as they made the transition to adulthood and dealt with an endless slew of crises.
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Graduation (Pilot)
aired Sep 29, 1998
I added a video that contains all opening themes from the show. My favorite openings. The original black and white ones that Amy Jo Johnson sang and the later ones that J.J. Abrams sings the theme song to. :)
If you have never watched this show, try it out. At least watch the video. It and Gilmore Girls were probably the most underrated shows on The WB.
It was created by J.J. Abrams, who went on to do Alias, Lost, and Fringe. Also the upcoming Alcatraz and Person of Interest. Also, he directed Mission Impossible 3, Star Trek, and Super 8.