Very popular show about six friends living in New York. The show follows the everyday lives of Monica (Courtney Cox Arquette), Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow), Chandler (Matthew Perry), Joey (Matt LeBlanc) and Ross (David Schwimmer).
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aired Sep 23, 1994
Watched it last Month for the first time. Damn I miss my daily amount of Friends :(
Season 1 is on average probably the best season of all shows I've ever seen.. Maybe 2 or 3 "bad" episodes, but that's it.
the best ever!!!!
Looooooooove this show :)
Wow, im just in the fifth season but this Show is so great. Happy that I still have 5 Seasons to watch.
@Muscleduck So you were watching Friends non stop the last weeks? :D
@Muscleduck that was fast :p I suggest you try Coupling shares some similarities with friends :)
Finished watching Friends, I feel sad now. Great series.
I love Friends
I`m watching Friends for the 1st time and I love it!
I lost count on how many times i watched the entire series. Stays funny everytime.
a lot better than HIMYM & TBBT
One of the best series ever
best comedy so far (haven't seen HIMYM & TBBT though)