178 Following
6846 Watched
- Country Belgium
- Join date May 24, 2010
- Dungus is following Zoo. Oct 20, 2016
- Dungus is following High Maintenance (2016). Sep 29, 2016
- Dungus and pupke are now friends. Feb 02, 2016
- Dungus is following Dark Matter. Oct 22, 2015
- Dungus is following Penny Dreadful. Jul 03, 2015
- Dungus is following Scrotal Recall. Jul 03, 2015
- Dungus is following Daredevil. May 13, 2015
- Dungus is following Kuroko no Basuke. May 13, 2015
- Dungus is following Kiseijuu. Feb 06, 2015
- Dungus is following Broad City. Feb 02, 2015
Hi there Dungus,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habits of all the followmy.tv users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.
You should watch The Vampire Diaries because you already follow Gossip Girl, True Blood
You should watch The Flash because you already follow Arrow, Marvel s Agents of S H I E L D, Game of Thrones
You should watch True Detective because you already follow Dexter, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, House of Cards 2013
If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.
Niet America Horror Story volgen. Is afgrijselijk slecht en is zijn naam niet waardig. Behalve dan de 'American' erin natuurlijk.
just try it kobe : -claymore -Hajime no Ippo
echte nice mangas (de 2de geeft zo feel good momenten :p)
@Dungus GANTZ-U!!!
@Cursed vet! misschien iets voor @emieldonckels
zalig Gantz, keb de manga hier ergens liggen
workaholics! you have seen zeh light
@tomreunes Smaakt mij wel. Zalige trolls :D
Impractical Jokers: good choice! Zitten enkele hilarische momenten in
@max Samurai Champloo is over samurai-tijden gemixed met hiphop-jazz, echt de moeite waard. Kweenie, Fringe is altijd goe voor mij, ma twas idd nie zo zot :p
Oe isda dienen Samurai Champoo?
En die laatste Fringe aflevering zouden ze moeten verbranden. For real? Liefde? Aleeeeeei!
@max V is echt goed!!
4days 18h wasted on Bleach, feelsgoodman.jpg!
yes, its always sunny komt eindelijk terug in september
Ke sjeus veel zin in da GOTje
Kobe, prepare for instant rage! zalig afleveringske maar DAMN DIE VIJF DAGEN TOT DE VOLGENDE