89 Following
5026 Watched
- Country Brazil
- Join date Sep 29, 2012
- MariPadalecki loved His Dark Materials. Nov 13, 2019
- MariPadalecki is following His Dark Materials. Nov 13, 2019
- MariPadalecki stopped following Ugly Betty. Nov 13, 2019
- MariPadalecki left a comment on MariPadalecki's checkin for Greg News - 3x13 Sérgio Moro. Jul 20, 2019
- MariPadalecki left a comment on MariPadalecki's checkin for Greg News - 3x13 Sérgio Moro. Jul 19, 2019
- MariPadalecki loved Ugly Betty. Jun 15, 2019
- MariPadalecki is following Ugly Betty. Jun 15, 2019
- MariPadalecki is following Greg News. May 18, 2019
- MariPadalecki is following The Handmaid's Tale. Mar 09, 2019
- MariPadalecki is following Celebrity Big Brother (US). Jan 23, 2019
You should watch The Office US because you already love How I Met Your Mother, The IT Crowd, Community, The Big Bang Theory and 24
You should watch Brooklyn Nine Nine because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Avatar The Last Airbender, Orphan Black and Hannibal
You should watch 30 Rock because you already love Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Community and 24
You should watch The Newsroom 2012 because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Community, Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Hannibal and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Shameless US because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Community, Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Hannibal and Suits
You should watch Daredevil because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Community, Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Hannibal and Suits
You should watch Revenge because you already love Sherlock, Teen Wolf and 24
You should watch Smallville because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Chuck, Sherlock and Teen Wolf
You should watch Fargo because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Community, Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Hannibal and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Misfits because you already love Doctor Who, Community, Sherlock and 24
You should watch Marvel s Agents of S H I E L D because you already love Orphan Black, Sherlock and 24
You should watch Futurama because you already love How I Met Your Mother, The IT Crowd, Avatar The Last Airbender, Breaking Bad and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Entourage because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Community, Suits and 24
You should watch The Wire because you already love How I Met Your Mother, The IT Crowd, Community and 24
You should watch Scrubs because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Community, Chuck and 24
You should watch Vikings because you already love How I Met Your Mother, The IT Crowd, Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Suits and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Boardwalk Empire because you already love Community, Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Sherlock, Suits and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Band of Brothers because you already love How I Met Your Mother, The IT Crowd, Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Suits and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Spartacus War of the Damned because you already love Fringe, Breaking Bad, Nikita, Sherlock and The Big Bang Theory
You should watch American Horror Story because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Fringe, Breaking Bad, Sherlock and Teen Wolf
You should watch Mad Men because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Fringe, Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Sherlock and Suits
You should watch Firefly because you already love Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Sherlock and 24
You should watch True Detective because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Hannibal and 24
You should watch House of Cards 2013 because you already love How I Met Your Mother, Hannibal and 24
You should watch New Girl because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Arrow because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, The Big Bang Theory
You should watch True Blood because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Orange is the New Black because you already follow Orphan Black, Sherlock
You should watch Heroes because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, 24
You should watch Homeland because you already follow Community, Fringe, Breaking Bad
You should watch The Legend of Korra because you already follow Avatar The Last Airbender
You should watch Modern Family because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Community, Breaking Bad, Sherlock
You should watch House because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory
Hi there MariPadalecki,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habbits of all the followmy.tv users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.
You should watch Lost because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Prison Break
You should watch Dexter because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Community, Breaking Bad
You should watch The Walking Dead because you already follow Community, Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory
If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.
@JuliaB Não importa se sou hétero ou não. Eu me apaixonei pela Natasha. Fim u.u maaaaas como vc realmente não é hétero e eu sou, eu deixo vc ficar com ela... desde q vc me deixe apreciá-la u.u
@MariPadalecki Você é hétero. Ela é POSSIVELMENTE uma apreciadora de corpos e mentes femininas... tipo quem, mesmo???
@JuliaB I don't care u.u eu quero a Natasha e ponto final u.u
@MariPadalecki você tem direitos coisa nenhuma. Ninguém tem direitos sobre minha rainha kk Além disso, eu vi ela primeiro. E a lei do "eu vi primeiro" é a que manda...