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All too often young men are admitted to the Walton's critical care unit as a result of horrific road accidents. Jimmy, aged just 21, is the latest of them. He is in a coma following a car crash. The extent of his brain injury is unknown, but an operation is needed urgently, as his brain pressure is rising to dangerous levels.

Another patient, Michael, collided with a fellow player during a football game and the accident brought on a seizure. At the Walton, he is diagnosed with a brain tumour which needs immediate surgery. The accident has changed Michael's whole life within a single day. This hard-working father will not be able to drive, and therefore work, for months. It's a shock on many levels – not least for his partner, Sam, mother of their five children.


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  • Aired Feb 19, 2013
  • Episode 1x04
  • Show special No


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