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Resident motorcycle mad presenter Henry Cole is off on his travels again. The mission: To ride 2,500 miles across North West Russia from St Petersburg to journey's end in Moscow. Henry's voyage of discovery starts with a few days soaking up the luxury and cultural splendour of St Petersburg before he clambers aboard his BMW GS1200 to ride North east to towns that go by the names of Sortavala, Perdrozavodsk and Cherepovetez. Little does Henry know what he is letting himself in for as he leaves the security of St Petersburg behind. This ride will test every facet of his motorcycling skills and mental endurance!


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  • Aired airdate unknown
  • Episode 11x01
  • Show special No


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  • choutos
    choutos last seen Sep 02, 2018
  • QBiC
    QBiC last seen Aug 09, 2013