House - 1x01 Pilot


Rebecca Adler (Robin Tunney), a 29-year old kindergarten teacher, becomes dysphasic and collapses in her classroom. Dr. Gregory House initially refuses the case until Dr. James Wilson tells him that Rebecca is Wilson's cousin. When Dr. Lisa Cuddy tries to make House fulfill his clinical duties, he refuses but is forced to do them when his authorization to the MRI is revoked. He diagnoses Rebecca with cerebral vasculitis and her condition improves with treatment. To find the source of Rebecca's seizures, House convinces Dr. Eric Foreman to break into Rebecca's house. At the hospital, Rebecca suddenly loses her vision and suffers another seizure. Foreman discovers ham at Rebecca's house, revealing both Wilson's lie (Wilson is Jewish) and the cause of the seizure—tapeworms. When Rebecca refuses treatment, House persuades her otherwise by proving her condition with a non-invasive X-ray suggested by Dr. Robert Chase.


giovannydearco (Sep 08, 2014)

Es buena!

  • Currently 4/5 stars.
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  • 4.0 (68 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Aired Nov 16, 2004
  • Episode 1x01
  • Show special No


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