Alan discovers a show called Producer's Cut, a Canadian program that lampoons the television production business, and Alan feels its based on him. He decides to fire Wanda and has her planted at the production company that is producing the new show. Jonathan Summers, the shows producer asks Alan to appear on the show, and continues to insist the show is not about him. Unfortunately Alan's newly acquired improv skills make him look like such an ass that the shows producer begins making fun of him after all. Meanwhile, with Victor being the only person Alan trusts, he places him as the office receptionist. As well, Veronica renegotiates all the executive salaries. Victor and Richard become obsessed over who makes the most money.
Made in Canada - 5x16 Producer's Cut
- Poor
- Nothing special
- Worth watching
- Pretty cool
- Awesome
- Aired Jun 13, 2003
- Episode 5x16
- Show special No
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