The school has a fund raiser and Gordon and Laurie decides to be apart of it. The Emperor Gorganus sends a monster named Colibra whose blasts turn the sentinels against each other. Colibra goes havoc on the world, and Nimbar summons Gordon and Laurie. Gordon gives Nimbar a chocolate candy bar, Nimbar eats it, and tells him that it tastes good. While in battle, they get blasted by Colibra, and retreats. When they return, they challenge each other on who could sell the most candy bars. They start to bother Drew and Swinton, about buying candy bars, but Colibra goes on havoc, and Nimbar summons everyone. Drew and Swinton get blasted while fighting, and now they are affected by the arguing bug. Drew and Swinton decide to get in the fund raising action, challenging that they could sell more candy bars then anyone else. Drew decides to start this rumor which made Gordon's sales drop. Drew is ahead because of her coffee shop job. Drew and Laurie make an agreement to each other about n


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  • Aired Oct 03, 1994
  • Episode 1x01
  • Show special No

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