Game 1: Weird Newscasters Greg - Anchor Colin - A Talking Parrot Wayne - An Aggressive Old Drunk Who Used To Do The Sports Ryan - Seigfried And Roy Whose Act Is Going Dangerously Wrong
Game 2: Two Line Vocabulary Greg Colin - "I didn't know you had one of those!" & "That's completely disgusting!" Ryan - "God, I love you!" & "How does that feel?!" Game 3: Party Quirks Greg - Host Wayne - Determined little old lady who likes tight butts Colin - Increasling violent bouncer clearing the bar at closing time Ryan - The third of each animal species trying to talk its way onto Noah's ark Game 4: Greatest Hits - Songs of the nurse in the styles of Reggae - "Four Hundred Dollar Bill" Wycleff Jean and The Rock - "I'm Tired Of Wearing White!" Rockabilly - "I Wish I Were A Doctor" Artificial Winner: Greg Drew Game: Props Credits Roll: Greg and Colin as aliens looking to beam up Earthlings.