Continuum is a one-hour police drama centered on Kiera Cameron, a regular cop from 65 years in the future who finds herself trapped in present day Vancouver. She is alone, a stranger in a strange land, and has eight of the most ruthless criminals from the future, known as Liber8, loose in the city.
Lucky for Kiera, through the use of her CMR (cellular memory recall), a futuristic liquid chip technology implanted in her brain, she connects with Alec Sadler, a seventeen-year-old tech genius. When Kiera calls and Alec answers, a very unique partnership begins.
Kiera’s first desire is to get "home." But until she figures out a way to do that, she must survive in our time period and use all the resources available to her to track and capture the terrorists before they alter history enough to change the course of the future. After all, what’s the point of going back if the future isn’t the one you left?
Ya termino Continuum, en este episodio S04E06 El Final, van a agregar los episodios que faltan de esta ultima temporada faltan el 5-6. saludos
The End.
Don't expect the new episodes to show up any time soon. The API where all of's data comes from ( has been down for nearly a month now. So I'm expecting it to be gone for good. This means that won't be receiving any new data (thus episode updates) until either comes back online or the developers have integrated a new API.
Sad thar 4th season will be last season, i love this show!
P.s. first episode is online (preaired!)
This one kinda bored me and I stopped watching. :/
Officially renewed as of Dec 6, 2014. 6 episode final season. Happy to see it return... sad to see the end is near.
Renewed! :D ill-be-renewed/
@TheThirdMark Me too!
Man, cant wait till the next season......
@Robotel its renewed
season 3?
first season was slow but getting better season 2
Wait what? New episode is here already, that's unexpected!
@Jakurdo Exactly. First season had some, well, flaws. But thats just a complete new team, both actors and camera/staff, trying to work together. Even the writers had to start from scratch and ''invent'' a new model for the show. I, for myself, am eager to watch the continuum of this series ^^
Does anyone know when season 2 is scheduled to start?
Well, I finished the first season and it got progressively better and better in my opinion. It's definitely not perfect, But I am looking forward to the next season very much.
Just seen a episode, looks interesting.
Watched the first 3 episode, it's just deliciously mediocre.
@TomF idd! good news: )