Follows a deep-cover operative named Martin Odum (Sean Bean), who has an uncanny ability to transform himself into a different person for each job. But his own identity comes into question when a mysterious stranger suggests that Martin isn't who he thinks he is.
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aired Aug 14, 2014
It apparently has the correct dates on TheTVDB so somehow your site hasn't updated yet.
You need to fix this. 2x03 aired 7 hours ago and not 2x04. It was on break last week.
Seems like 2x03 didn't air 5 hours ago like it says.
It's been renewed! W000t!! :D
@Woutah Good to know :) Thanks!
@dso I think it's not going anywhere. Viewers are rising and story is getting interesting. I think because the show is on TNT it's probably safe, it's doing good for them
So I only watched the first episode and it wasn't bad but, is it worth it to keep watching or is this going to get cancelled?
@Sparaxa Yeeees, love his role and his acting <3
Sean Bean is perfect for the job. What an actor
This is gonna be amazing tv show, can't wait <3
Promising show very nice pilot and ok second episode so I hope they don't lose their momentum and make it slow for no reason...
Wow, really nice first episode. I'm definitely hooked.
Howard Gordon does it again.
First 24, then Homeland, and now this... Great stuff.
Awesome! thx
Seems the pilot just aired on-demand 1 week early or something