Chuck is an action-comedy television program from the United States created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA; the message embeds the only remaining copy of the world's greatest spy secrets into Chuck's brain.
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aired Sep 25, 2007
@flex1986 I actually don't think she gets her memories back. Morgan didn't get his back. plus it would be so obvious, I like this ending better, it's not what you'd expect but still very pleasing.
@colorblind90 no worries, I've still got a gazillion shows I have to watch. But when a show is over I can't help but have that: 'what will I do with my life now?'-feeling.
5 years well spent.
@poeimoei Just watch another show :D
Very nice ending, although everything is still open and they could easily continue if they want to. It feels ended like all the series should end!
Only a little annoyed with the fact that they don't show if Sarah magically gets her memory back after the kiss. Or will that be a DVD feature so that people buy the box :p
But I'd prefer a hell of an ending than left hanging. I'm totally pleased. Best showending I've ever seen.
so, what will I do now?
It's over :s. Worthy end, pretty unexpected.
Not the ending I expected ...
Oh my god what a great ending, really loved it! So sad
Good to have followed this. Definitely worth it.
Very sad to see this go. It were awesome 5 years. :)
Will there be another Season? No?
Everything has an end.
@matvdd Use the spoiler tags please! I really didn't need to know that...
This serie is getting stupid. It was one of my favorite shows but now they are overdoing things..
SHOW SPOILER Casey for the next intersect! That would be an awesome episode!
First Chuck then Morgan and now Sarah. Just Casey and everyone in the gang will have had it.
@Private That sucks. &nd it actually happens with a lot of series. That's why Joss Whedon is my favourite director. He always gives us a decent ending.
You're right mate. "My Name Is Earl" stopped at a stupid time. I loved the series, but they never made a "finished" episode. If they just told who the dad was of one of those kids and some future episode or something it would be a better end.
I really like the new storylinethingy. It's almost sad it's the last season, but I think it's for the best. I'd prefer a hell of a final season than unfinished bussiness.
@Lokatius Yeah! I'll follow chuck till the end!