During Saturday detention, bells ring signaling a containment drill and evacuation – not out of the ordinary for a town with a large chemical plant. The 20 students and the basketball coach retreat to the school fallout shelter for the duration of the drill. Only it’s not a drill… When the sirens stop and they return to the school lobby, they find their town has been decimated by an explosion. They see no signs of life outside their high school’s front doors. More frightening, those who were not in the bunker appear to be infected…”
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aired Oct 10, 2016
I literally cannot believe this show got cancelled. I wasn't expecting much going in, because apocalyptic dramas about teenagers are usually a little too heavy on the wrong kinds of drama, but wow this show was incredible. I watched the entire thing in one sitting. The characters are incredible - I ended up loving the ones that I hated in the beginning. So much was unexpected. I'm devastated they cancelled it.
That was unexpectedly nice. The story could be sometimes less naive but all in all it was a journey. I'm invested now, I grew fond of most characters that made through the final episode and I was devastated how it ended. Many questions without answers. Hope for season 2 and seeing those youtube stars and teenage actors mashup again.