Arrow - 3x20 The Fallen

The Fallen

Ra’s al Ghul finally makes Oliver an offer he can’t refuse. The team joins Oliver on his journey to Nanda Parbat where a heartbroken Felicity decides to take matters into her own hands.


zvucnjak (May 15, 2015)

Oh so you need the Lazarus Pit to treat a knife wound, but you don't need it to treat a sword going all the way through a chest and then a fall from a cliff so high his head should've exploded... Yeah, really makes sense...

Reverz (May 10, 2015)

@goodplastic a bit would be an understatement. Felicity is also working on my nerves more and more with every episode...

goodplastic (May 06, 2015)

A bit boring...

Coene (Apr 30, 2015)

you know nothing john diggle :-D

colorblind90 (Apr 26, 2015)

What the heck is wrong with this show :D

Sandrosaurus (Apr 24, 2015)

Rise Darth Arrow

CrimsonLips (Apr 23, 2015)

Cannot be more happier! Olicity! :3
"I am Al Sah-him. Wahreeth Al Ghul. Heir to the Demon. And you will obey." Best moment!! And the freaking costume at the end!

  • Currently 4.2/5 stars.
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  • 4.2 (321 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Aired Apr 22, 2015
  • Episode 3x20
  • Show special No


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