Red Dwarf Season 1

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The End
10 votes
1x01 The End aired Feb 15, 1988

Third technician Dave Lister wakes from stasis to find himself alone aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf, three million years after the end of humanity. His new... read more

Future Echoes
awaiting 10 votes
1x02 Future Echoes aired Feb 22, 1988

Attempting to return to Earth at light speed, the crew experience a bizarre series of flash-forwards to future events. Some are as benign as the Cat breaking... read more

Balance of Power
awaiting 10 votes
1x03 Balance of Power aired Feb 29, 1988

Lister's dream of dating former colleague Kristine Kochanski runs into a big problem: the ship can only revive one hologram at a time - and right now it's Ri... read more

Waiting for God
awaiting 10 votes
1x04 Waiting for God aired Mar 07, 1988

Given a copy of the Cat Bible, passed down through generations while the species evolved, Lister makes an incredible discovery: in his absence, he became a g... read more

Confidence & Paranoia
awaiting 10 votes
1x05 Confidence & Paranoia aired Mar 14, 1988

A mutated form of pneumonia turns Lister's dreams into reality, raining herring upon the crew and summoning the sixteenth century Mayor of Warsaw who promptl... read more

awaiting 10 votes
1x06 Me² aired Mar 21, 1988

Lister's attempt to activate a second hologram - his dream date Kristine Kochanski - goes horribly wrong and creates Rimmer's ideal companion instead: himsel... read more


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