

Smallville revolves around Clark Kent (Tom Welling and his burgeoning career at the Daily Planet alongside his future love, Lois Lane (Erica Durance). He's supported by his friends, Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) and Oliver Queen (aka Green Arrow) (Justin Hartley) as they deal with Lex Luthor's replacement, Tess Mercer (Cassidy Freeman), who unleashes a new world of danger in alliacenw tih Major Zod (Callum Blue), a survivor of the doomed planet of Kryopton.

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1x01 Pilot
aired Oct 17, 2001


saltzman (Dec 15, 2015)

I miss this show. It wasn't the best thing, but it was surely fun to watch. :)

emonquente (Apr 16, 2013)

You know -- as someone who sat down and watched every single episode (that's 9 days' of video, took me 3 weeks or summat if I recall) when I heard it was finally ending -- so I got to watch the last 4 of them spaced out -- I really think people give the show way too much crap for running so long.

If you say "Hey, they just decided to treat it a bit like classic Doctor Who" then it stays really good. It only has one over-arching plot, and while I'm sure at the time the episodes were coming out each foray into a more immediate plot got very annoying with such tiny pay-offs but, when it was all done with and you know going in what to expect .. . it works.

I remember getting bored with the constant, Scooby-Doo quality of "X weird thing happens, Y super villain is running around, Z person has kryptonite!" episodes, but those died off at a sufficiently early point; the constant re-learning life lessons that Clark goes through gets a bit annoying, but that's anything for (or involving) teenagers for you, and it never get's too painfully preachy about it.

The only real 'problem' came somewhere around Season 4-6. It started creeping in in season 4, was getting hard to put up with in season 5 and finally started to be corrected in season 6. So it had some real problems, but it worked out.

To be honest, if I hadn't been watching them all back-to-back, I probably would have stopped watching the show myself around season 4. But, to be honest, I try not to get involved with anything with a plot until it's finished, pretty much for this exact reason.

oranges (Dec 05, 2011)

@ColeFrost Thanks! I think I'll follow your suggestion.

deleted (Dec 04, 2011)


First three or so seasons were really good. Eventually you figure out that they have no interest in moving the story along. Clark is supposed to be with Lois, Lex is a boring enemy unless he is in the background, as a puppet master type, and Clark is only really interesting as either high school kid or Superman. They slowly resolve the problems over time, but it basically is like 3 good first seasons, 3 good seasons at the end, and a drag-it-out fest in between. If you can sit through the middle, the end is worth it. Once they start correcting the problems, the show improves and it gets better towards the end.

I didn't mind it spread out over the years I watched it. I'm no saying I would be in a rush to watch all the episodes together.

edit: I would watch The Vampire Diaries first. It carries the high end, season long storylines, like Supernatural. It also keeps getting better. Might be more your speed.

Save this show for when you are really bored and knock a few episodes off at a time. You'll never make it through all those seasons in a short period of time. Too boring in the middle.

oranges (Dec 04, 2011)

Could anyone that has seen this through to the end give me their opinion on whether it's worth sitting through the crap? Is there a good point where it's worth stopping?

I remember season 1 & 2 being pretty fun to watch. *Everyone* is eyecandy in CW shows. I love that.

OTOH I know it had many dips, and goddamn it only ended last year or something. I was amazed.

linker (Feb 23, 2011)

@vapura done, seems like the update modified the way the site handles spoiler code

Vapura (Feb 22, 2011)

@linker fix your spoiler tag :D I dont want to know yet ^^

josbeir (Feb 21, 2011)

@linker cool, can't wait for it

linker (Feb 15, 2011)

Some great new about the S10 finale: SHOW SPOILER

linker (Dec 11, 2010)

I personally find season 10 to be quite awful, but well the quality of smallville varies enormously depending on the seasons /:

josbeir (Nov 07, 2010)

season 10 is actually good compared to previous ones... SHOW SPOILER

pb5k (Oct 15, 2010)

I liked the early eps, but this show overall is a missed opportunity, not as good as it could have been. Probably should have been a miniseries.

  • Currently 3.8/5 stars.
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  • 3.8 (215 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Unknown
  • Premiered Oct 16, 2001
  • Genre Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Super Heroes
  • Country United States
  • Network CW
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Updated 21 hours ago