From the producer of The Shield comes Sons of Anarchy, a drama that follows the lives of members a community watched over by a motorcycle club who strive to protect the town from newcomers and all that may be a threat to it. However, loyalty to the club is tested when lawlessness begins to run rampant.
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aired Sep 04, 2008
I loved the first two seasons and I absolutely hated the Ireland storyline in season 3. But damn... season 4 is easily the best season of all 4. And even considering TV in its whole it's way up there.
Just watched season 2, love it. In my opinion it's even better than Breaking Bad.
Me ha gustado el último capítulo de "Sons of Anarchy", sobretodo la imagen final con la que ha acabado. El desenlace de la trama de los traficantes no lo esperaba, quizá un poco precipitado. Habría estado bien que hubieran metido guiños durante la temporada. Yo por lo menos no los ví.
Esperando que llegue la quinta temporada, a ver como se desenvuelve Jax en su nuevo puesto.
Can't wait for season 5!
Love this show :) and another season coming
Jax, Clay and the entire crew of SAMCRO will stick around for another year as FX announces it has renewed the top-rated cable drama ‘Sons of Anarchy’ for season 5
airdates s4 are a mess
@Gaspar11 yes awesome - 90 Minute Premiere!
New season starting at Sept. 6 yay!,0,6883268.story
Chech the promo + poster!
@ColeFrost David Hasselhoff - really? If they don't turn the show into a comedy, this is not gonna be good. But, we'll see.
David Hasselhoff to guest star. This is too funny... :)
@ColeFrost Danny Trejo is joining - cool!
Danny Trejo is joining:
This is good news, in my opinion.
3rd season isn´t as good as the first two...
Very good serie! And a serie with good (proper)music in it.
3rd season kinda stunk, IMO, but the finale was good!
The third season ending was just AWESOME!!!!!!
Just watched the pilot and I loved it! Looking forward to the rest of the season
Watched it from the very beginning and can't wait for season 3 to start!