From the producer of The Shield comes Sons of Anarchy, a drama that follows the lives of members a community watched over by a motorcycle club who strive to protect the town from newcomers and all that may be a threat to it. However, loyalty to the club is tested when lawlessness begins to run rampant.
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aired Sep 04, 2008
season 1 5
season 2 7,5
season 3 3,5
season 4-6 9
Now I start the last seasons
The numbers are my marks from 1 to 10
SoA prequel is coming and it's about Mayans. Also Brad Pitt as John Teller, whoaa... se-date-news-and-spoilers-next-soa-wont-be-about-the-fir-20797
I can't believe it's over :(
Bye SoA. I had 7 great years with you. Gonna miss you <3
@doliveras think about Tig :D it's dark.... hella dark..... but it is funny as hell :D
Could have been 2 seasons shorter, it drags on a little bit.
It finished the big and all the little story lines in the end.
7/10 for the entire series .
If in doubt should i watch this: Yes you should.
Simulair shows you may also like: Breaking Bad, Dexter, Californication, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, Spartacus, Sopranos, The Tudors, The Wire, Twin Peaks, Bates Motel, Homeland, House of Lies, House of Cards, Mad Men, The Knick, True Detective, Underbelly.
Someone tell Charlie Hunnam to stop mumbling.
"Comedy" really?
It's a really dark one, or I'm missing something.
I'ts an amazing show, but a comedy?
I'm soooo excited about the final seasooooon!!!! Yaaaaaaaay!!!
Muy buenos actores en general en esta pedazo de serie.
SoA drinking game: A shot everytime someone says "Jesus Christ".
And another year without the Sons, gonna suck.
Good finale though!
all the awards should be forwarded SOA, Kurt Sutter and Kim Coates' way. Brilliant show, amazing actors.
This show deserves a much higher rating imho.
What a way to kickstart the season! Can't wait for next week's episode!
Coming tonight, can't wait!!
Just announced at the SOA Panel at Comic-Con: Sons of Anarchy Season Premiere Tuesday September 11 at 10p only on FX.
SONS OF ANARCHY Exclusive: LOST's Harold Perrineau Joins Cast /
It's getting better & better :D
One of the things that makes this series so good is the music, its just perfect to the atmosphere!
*Edit after watching all episodes so far: This series is so awesome, one of the best i watched before, the final of s4 did dissapoint me a bit cuz the storylines didnt really come to an end, but it does make room for an awesome s5.*
NEWS: Sons of Anarchy already picked up for season 5, now renewed for season 6 and a potential 7th and likely final season.
no airing dates yet