

Last logged in Sep 16, 2022


theRecommender (Jan 04, 2015)

Hi there kis,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habits of all the users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.

You should watch The Flash because you already follow Gotham, Game of Thrones
You should watch The Vampire Diaries because you already follow Gossip Girl, Glee
You should watch Family Guy because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Futurama, The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones

If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.

Supergrobe (Jul 28, 2011)

@kis Perfecto, asi nos vamos comentando

kis (Jun 01, 2011)

no me conoces pero me he tomado la libertad de agregarte :)

soy christian

IvanBotella (Jun 01, 2011)

Hola! solicitud aceptada.. y usted es? ;)

299 Following
10025 Watched
  • Country Spain
  • Join date May 31, 2011

About kis

Serieadicto, lector de blogs y escuchante de podcast.

Ojala tuviera talento para hacer yo el mio propio
