
Bristow • Jack

Last logged in 8 hours ago


bookdork1 (Jan 01, 2025)

lol, i thought the show was going to be better too. the dancing baby was kind of the nail in the coffin so i caved and looked up spoilers :P

ForgotMyLines (Nov 27, 2021)

@Bristow Thanks. I'll continue to look into it, but might have to delete them.

Bristow (Nov 27, 2021)

@ForgotMyLines this is weird, I think is an error, I’ve been looking at thetvdb and there are no signs of season 4…

ForgotMyLines (Nov 26, 2021)

"Siren" has just uploaded a Season 4. Do you know anything about this? From what I've looked up, it ended after Season 3? Is this a error?

ForgotMyLines (Jan 31, 2021)

I think any show that is enjoyed and that doesn't have a profile picture, needs sorting. As a basic, we need a Profile picture for all shows. If you come across a massive show, or a show you love that has no plot, description or pictures, can you let me know? I will add them to my list to update. Thanks.

ForgotMyLines (Dec 06, 2020)

@Bristow Ah, those kind of shows. I loved Sopranos!

Bristow (Dec 06, 2020)

@ForgotMyLines The sopranos, The wire, Friday night lights, Twin Peaks, Shameless... too many more

ForgotMyLines (Dec 06, 2020)

@Bristow What old shows are high up on your watchlist?

Bristow (Dec 06, 2020)

@ForgotMyLines hahaha the problem is that i have a lot of old shows pending :(

ForgotMyLines (Dec 05, 2020)

You are a machine with new shows. Everytime I go to log a show, or update a show/episode, You have already watched it!

Bristow (Aug 30, 2020)

@Lemon no problem! Finally, we could find the show :) Please, could you check the other shows in my message? Thanks.

Lemon (Aug 29, 2020)

My apologies, our search page is not the best yet especially with shows that are just a single English word :(

Bristow (Aug 28, 2020)

@evilkuja nice! I’m following it too ;)

evilkuja (Aug 28, 2020)

@Bristow Okay, it took a while and the same thing happened to me "Show already exists in our database."

Like you, I had no luck searching for it on the site, but I finally managed to find it while browsing through the "Recently added shows" section.

Bristow (Aug 28, 2020)

@evilkuja that's nice!! I don't know what happened with my request, weird :/
I'm glad to be your friend :)

evilkuja (Aug 28, 2020)

@Bristow I just saw your post on Lemon's page about the Show "Away" which i'm also interested in watching.

I just gave submitting it a go to try to see what happens also, but this time it went through to Pending. It's very weird that it didn't let you.

Also, thanks for the friend request. <3

Bristow (Jun 27, 2020)

@Lemon I didn’t know that option, sorry!

Lemon (Jun 27, 2020)

Thanks for submitting the new shows through our suggestion tool <3

theRecommender (Jan 03, 2015)

Hi there Bristow,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habbits of all the users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.

You should watch New Girl because you already follow Happy Endings
You should watch Family Guy because you already follow South Park, Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory
You should watch Modern Family because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, Community, Breaking Bad, Friends

If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.

Kizzie (Dec 13, 2012)

Hi honey, thanks for accepting my friend request :). xxx

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