Set up as a twenty-year prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic book Treasure Island, Black Sails will follow the adventures of cutthroat corsair Captain Flint and his crew of brutal buccaneers, whose plundering ways have led them to the brink of extinction. Flint’s fight for survival forces him to seek sanctuary on the debauched pirate paradise New Providence Island, a place defined by both its enlightened ideals and stunning brutality. On the journey, Flint will take on a young, fast-talking addition to his crew— one, John Silver.
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aired Jan 26, 2014
great show! gets better each season... Hate and love characthers
The best ever.
3rd season is great
@Gonzo13 I agree!
honestly gets better every season. Power through the first one and you won't be disappointed
Season 3 premieres January 23!
season 2 is so good!
It took me a few tries to get used to it, but now I am hooked! Great show!
i like season 2 much more than season 1
Season 2. Still boring.
It's Season 2 and they still all have perfect-white Hollywood teeth. Fail.
Boring... Unfollowed after 6 episodes
Disappointing series, could've done much more with it.
Also I wanna burry someone alive face down and then see if then can crawl out suddenly facing upwards, it was obvious he was gonna win but this was just ridiculous.
So glad this got picked up for another season!
what a pointless discussion, can't any of you just watch a show for what it is without looking at every detail that has to be absolutely perfect and historically correct. So much bitching on this site it's amazing
Eyeglasses , with side pieces that rest on the ears, are invented by Englishman Edward Scarlett in 1727. The show is supposed to be from 1715. So even if I were wrong about the sunglasses (which technically i'm not, because tinted glasses were not used as sunglasses, they were used to enhance the view, not to protect from the sun.), he couldn't have had these. @Raymonda
On July 26, 2013, Starz renewed the show for a ten-episode second season.
3rd episode and one of the pirates takes out his sunglasses and puts them on. Sunglasses were invented in 1929.
@Raymonda yeah this is pretty much more realistic approach as well. If i remember right at end of pirate era things weren't looking so good for them this show potrays that situation very well.
So much hate here, its pretty solid series people focus too much on wrong points.