The Grand Clone Army of the Republic, led by Jedi Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi and other Masters must fight the New Droid Army of the Separatists to defend the Republic and the political stability of the galaxy. They face the cunning Dooku, the vicious General Grievous and the relentless Asajj Ventress on the field of battle, all the while, behind the scenes, Senator Palpatine manipulates things to his benefit.
Meanwhile Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker takes on a young Padawan apprentice named Ashoka Tano and is trying to train her to become a Jedi Knight in the midst of the Galactic War.
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aired Oct 03, 2008
Can we get the descriptions updated for the final season pls? :)
Truly amazing show.
Season 1: Good but not great
Season 2: Much better
Season 3: Mediocre epi's mixed with the best epi's
Season 4: Best season so far
Season 5: Boring but the last 2 arc's are epic shit!
Season 6: Order 66 & Yoda arc is must see! The rest is okay!