The Good Wife is a drama starring Emmy Award winner Julianna Margulies as a wife and mother who boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after her husband’s very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail.
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aired Sep 23, 2009
I will have a long and hateful hangover from the finale and the series bc of the finale -.-
s1-s5 are incredible. s6 is ok. s7 is unwatchable, for the most part.
Warning to anyone planning to watch this show, DO NOT watch the series ending, completely ignore the final 2 episodes somehow.
I don't know how good this series can get, when you think it's at the top it surprises you and gives you more.
Really great. So much more than a simple "case of the week" law drama. The characters alone are all so far and beyond anything I've seen on a network drama before.
Way better than I ever could have expected for a cable drama
Amazing tv show.
all kinds of wonderful.
@brobs if you like lawyer dramas, and excellent writing, then yes. Just because it's on CBS, doesn't mean it feels like a CBS show. I do understand what you mean though, CBS sitcoms are awful.
@brobs it really is
is this show worth watching? i hate cbs shows so much
It's so cool, the last time a saw Alan Cumming was in the Spykids trilogy when I was 12 years old (Of course I watched them all again after the amazing month I discovered 'The good wife'). Julianna Marguilies is as good as in ER!!
renewed: t/
and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg set to appear in the season finale: g-435700
beautifully well written, amazing story line, amazing characters, amazing guest stars and my favourite show of all times! do u think the rumours are true that this critically acclaimed show will be cancelled?!?!
<3 Mr.Gold
@bobertpaulson agreed 100%. I must have watched all of The West Wing 3 or 4 times. I'm a little annoyed that The Dream Team was the season finale. I didn't realize that... now I'm already missing it :|
Easily my favorite show on TV. Not since The West Wing has an adult drama on network TV been this engaging, well written, and just plain awesome.
@jteixi2 yep, why hasn't been corrected for a week now?
3x16 in air 4/mar/12
a very well written series.