Włatcy móch is a Polish adult animated comedy series, which has been on the Polish TV channel TV 4 since November 2006. The title is a misspelled version of "Władcy much" meaning "The Lords of Flies" and derives from William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies. The show tells about four 8-year boys in the second grade of elementary school who wish to rule the world: Anusiak, Konieczko, Maślana and Czesio. The director and writer of the show is Bartek Kędzierski, who also dubs one of characters - Czesio. Rumour has it that the series will be shown in Great Britain and Germany this year. The show has a total of 51 regular and 2 special episodes with 14 more to come along with season V.The Comedy won Świry 2008 award in category "TV Series".
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aired Nov 14, 2006