When Detective Rebecca Madsen is assigned to a grisly homicide case, a fingerprint leads her to a shocking suspect: Jack Sylvane, a former Alcatraz inmate who died decades ago. With her investigation impeded by government agent Emerson Hauser, Madsen teams up with Alcatraz expert and comic book enthusiast Dr. Diego Soto. They both soon discover that Sylvane is not only alive, but he’s loose on the streets of San Francisco, leaving bodies in his wake, and does not appear to age. With the inclusion of Agent Hauser, they realize that Sylvane is only a small part of a much larger, more sinister present-day threat. For while he may be the first, it quickly becomes clear that Sylvane won’t be the last prisoner to reappear from Alcatraz.
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aired Jan 17, 2012
Shame. I liked it.
There was a big potential, but in the end it was just another 40 minute "who is the badguy? - chase badguy - catch badguy - 1 minute of storyline". If there was atleast something along the lines of 10 minutes storyline every episode it was way more interesting
The good shows always get cancelled and not only by FOX, they all suck :|
Cancelled indeed.
Fuck!! This show was so great...
@b0sse I agree.
Yup, it was just cancelled. FOX, you suck :(
Show is cancelled.
Keeps getting weaker and weaker.... i predict this will soon be canceled. i gave up after 7 episodes... boring.
I hope there will be a 2nd season. I enjoyed season 1.
@avanish i agree, needs a second season, it's watchable but far from good imho.
I quit. Terrible show.
@FunkStar terra nova was waaaay worst than this. This show is actually good. And definitely worth of a 2nd season
It will have a second season?
@walbert Damn it, first Terra Nova now this... :-(
@FunkStar I wouldn´t be sure that there will be a second season. Ratings were not that good...
I loved this show and I can't wait till the next season!
@Kaijiroquai requetePAL. Me alegro de haberla dropeado xD
@ArthasSama ALCAPAL, eh? yo estoy haciendo maratón del 1x06 al 1x10. Cuando acabe te digo xD
I like it tbh. The main cast is nicely done, and theres a certain subtle style to it thats just awesome :)