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3x88 На бровях! З: ) [On eyebrows!] aired Jan 06, 2012

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3x89 iШлёп =V [iSlap] aired Jan 10, 2012

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3x90 Бой на бегу 음 [Dash'n'bash] aired Jan 13, 2012

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3x91 Воронобординг c(-_-)ↄ [Crowboarding] aired Jan 17, 2012

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3x92 Джигурдиссимо }:j [Dzigurdissimo] aired Jan 20, 2012

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3x93 Педобир хардкор C; [Pedobear hardcore] aired Jan 24, 2012

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3x94 Ааатличнаа! =Д [Aaaawwsome!] aired Jan 27, 2012

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3x95 Зима не будет 2 \(◎o◎)/! [There'll be no Wheantr 2] aired Jan 31, 2012

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3x96 Нанопалка :{o [Nanostick] aired Feb 05, 2012

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3x98 Про любовь ☆ [About love] aired Feb 14, 2012

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3x99 Юбилейный =А [Anniversary] aired Feb 17, 2012

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3x100 Зоовыпуск з: [Zoopisode] aired Feb 21, 2012

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3x101 Погладь кота! Ю_ю [Pat the cat!] aired Feb 25, 2012

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3x102 Бог кукурузы d:ь [Maize God] aired Feb 28, 2012

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3x103 Язык. Турник. Мороз. 5_5 [Tongue. Horizontal bar. Frost.] aired Mar 03, 2012

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3x104 Когда храпит колибри... zZzZz [When hummingbird snores] aired Mar 09, 2012

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3x105 Ванна для кота Ö_O [Bath for a cat] aired Mar 13, 2012

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3x106 Просто Вейдер (8{| [Just Vader] aired Mar 16, 2012

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3x107 Молочный коктейль ◕‿‿◕ [Milkshake] aired Mar 20, 2012

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3x108 Грёбаный бургер! ^j^ [Freakin' Burger!] aired Mar 24, 2012

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3x109 Цирк уродов 2 п___п [Freak show 2] aired Mar 28, 2012

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3x110 НИППОН КАЗАУВА!!! ジ [NIPPON KAZAUWA!!!] aired Apr 01, 2012

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3x111 Мужицкий 'п' [Manly] aired Apr 06, 2012

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3x112 Чёрный музыкальный ♪__♪ [Black musical] aired Apr 10, 2012

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3x113 Девочка. Масло. Драма. (o^-^o) [Girl. Butter. Drama.] aired Apr 13, 2012

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3x114 Ультрафиолет *()* [Ultraviolet] aired Apr 17, 2012

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3x115 Пицца Бумеранг Г.Г [Pizza Boomerang] aired Apr 20, 2012

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3x116 Это бобёр! ^v^ [This is beaver!] aired Apr 24, 2012

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3x117 Как человек =() [Like a human] aired Apr 27, 2012

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3x118 Пааап! Ø____Ø [Daaad!] aired May 01, 2012

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3x119 Дабчётка ?_? [DubSTEP] aired May 04, 2012

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3x120 Поролоновая сабля --I====\ [Foam saber] aired May 08, 2012

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3x121 Весна, грачи прилетели. Spring. Rooks are coming back. aired May 11, 2012

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3x122 Кошачий блюз :'з [Cat's blues] aired May 14, 2012

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3x123 Пламя тупости "ш" [Flame of stupidity] aired May 18, 2012

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3x124 Башня В{о [Tower] aired May 22, 2012

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3x125 Китайский футбол 足 [Chinise football] aired May 25, 2012

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3x126 Сударь... ^Ф^ [Sir...] aired May 29, 2012

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3x127 Смертельный выпуск †__† [Mortal episode] aired Jun 01, 2012

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3x128 Армврестлинг (smile) [Armwrestling] aired Jun 05, 2012

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3x129 Жареные гвозди (◣_◢) [Fried Nails] aired Jun 08, 2012

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3x130 Серьёзные дела *v* [Serious Business] aired Jun 12, 2012

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3x131 Дом, ковёр, сон! ^w^ [Home, cover, dream] aired Jun 15, 2012

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3x132 Антиполицай! :U [ Antipolizist] aired Jun 19, 2012

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3x133 О кисках ~^ . ^~ [About kitties] aired Jun 22, 2012

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3x134 [ah-ah-ah-aH] (: ах-ах-ах-аХ aired Jun 26, 2012

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3x135 Улыбаться солнцу );c [Smile to the sun] aired Jun 29, 2012

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3x136 Эй, подай мне пиво В0) [Hey, pass me a beer] aired Jul 03, 2012

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3x137 Киборги из Северной Кореи -.о [Cyborgs from North Korea] aired Jul 05, 2012

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3x138 Адская горка ]:o [Hell slide] aired Jul 09, 2012

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3x139 Российский футбол з; [Russian football] aired Jul 13, 2012

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3x140 Пушистый Джиглипафф ОхО [Fluffy Jigglypuff] aired Jul 17, 2012

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3x141 Кенгуриное безумие ^м^ [Kangaroo madness] aired Jul 20, 2012

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3x142 Чаек разыграли ~ : ] [Seagull prank] aired Jul 24, 2012

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3x143 Мегустапокалипсис -______- [Megustapocalypse] aired Jul 26, 2012

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3x144 Только животные Э= [Beasts only] aired Jul 31, 2012

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3x145 Тапочки Й_ц [Flip-flops] aired Aug 03, 2012

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3x146 This is Холокост s^_^s [This is Holocaust] aired Aug 10, 2012

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3x147 Олимпийская Годзилла };V [Olympic Godzilla] aired Aug 14, 2012

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3x148 Котобезумие ~^з^~ [Catmadness] aired Aug 17, 2012

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3x149 Пшепподром : (|) [Pszeppodrome] aired Aug 21, 2012

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3x150 Оп! 8) [Op!] aired Aug 24, 2012

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3x151 Кот Сальвадор ( O ) п ( O ) [Salvador the cat] aired Aug 28, 2012

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3x152 Фантазия -7_7- [Fantasy] aired Sep 03, 2012

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3x153 ГипноКот 8з [HypnoCat] aired Sep 07, 2012

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3x154 Грязевые ванны Л____Л [Mud baths] aired Sep 10, 2012

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3x155 КАПСЛОК! }:-@ [CAPS_LOCK!] aired Sep 14, 2012

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3x156 Рок-кот \m/ ^.^ \m/ [Rock-cat] aired Sep 18, 2012

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3x157 Конец =) [The End] aired Sep 21, 2012

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3x158 Начало 2 .----^----. [The Beginning 2] aired Sep 25, 2012

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3x159 Доброта *U* [Goodness] aired Sep 28, 2012

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3x160 Биберов недуг =@ [Bieber fever] aired Oct 02, 2012

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3x161 Животный подход (•̪●) [Animal way] aired Oct 05, 2012

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3x162 Месть шлагбаума ʘ‿ʘ [Boom barrier's revenge] aired Oct 09, 2012

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3x163 Биберов недуг: Гага-стайл 8$ [Bieber fever: Gaga-style] aired Oct 12, 2012

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3x164 Лэвэлап! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ [LevelUp!] aired Oct 16, 2012

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3x165 Прыжок Баумгартнера Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ [Baumgartner's jump] aired Oct 19, 2012

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3x166 Тёплый ламповый ^ㅂ^ [Warm vacuum tube] aired Oct 23, 2012

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3x167 Какашка на колёсиках c: [Poo on wheels] aired Oct 26, 2012

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3x168 Пальма добра :'D [The palm of good] aired Oct 30, 2012

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3x169 Кентавр наоборот (ΘεΘ) [Vice versa centaur] aired Nov 02, 2012

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3x170 Лицегрязь 泥 [Facemud] aired Nov 06, 2012

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3x171 О! Привет! ^о^ [Oh! Hi!] aired Nov 09, 2012

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3x172 GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) [GANGNAM STYLE] aired Nov 13, 2012

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3x173 Мой хозяин идиот! =о) [My owner is an idiot!] aired Nov 16, 2012

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3x174 Труселя Ф____U [Pantz] aired Nov 20, 2012

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3x175 Не смотри на взрыв! В[ [Don't look at the explosion!] aired Nov 23, 2012

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3x176 Голый мужик 3 (T~T) [Naked man 3] aired Nov 27, 2012

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3x177 Скрипач-сантехник! Щ_Щ [Violinist-plumber!] aired Nov 30, 2012

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3x178 Время бритья! 8o) [Shaving time!] aired Dec 04, 2012

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3x179 Цирк уродов 3: Позорище *c:o) [Freak show 3: Dishonor] aired Dec 07, 2012

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3x180 Аминь! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ [Amen!] aired Dec 11, 2012

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3x181 Сирена =G [Siren] aired Dec 14, 2012

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3x182 В душе ;W [In-shower] aired Dec 18, 2012

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3x183 Опять конец? 0ш0 [The end again?] aired Dec 21, 2012

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3x184 Милкшейк d-_-b Milkshake aired Dec 25, 2012

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3x185 Праздник к нам приходит *c|:-) [Holidays are coming] aired Dec 30, 2012

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