More than three decades after the debut of "Cosmos," Carl Sagan's stunning and iconic exploration of the universe as revealed by science, FOX sets off on a voyage for the stars with "COSMOS: A SPACE-TIME ODYSSEY". Seth MacFarlane (FAMILY GUY, AMERICAN DAD) has teamed up with Sagan's original creative collaborators - writer/producer Ann Druyan and astrophysicist Steven Soter - to conceive a 13-part "docu-series" that will serve as a successor to the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning original series.
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aired Mar 10, 2014
Amazing. Puts things in perspective
never ever been this humbled by a TVshow :O
This show is awesome!
OH DAMN! I'm so very shocked that Seth MacFarlane has any interest in outer space, but that he gathered the original creators of Cosmos - Ann Druyan and Steven Soter - really put me at ease and builds my confidence that he'll try to help make an educational program. Also, Neil deGrasse Tyson is involved! I'm excited.