Based on the award-winning comedy of Josh Thomas, the series is about cavoodles, custard tarts, boyfriends and girlfriends. Mostly, though, it's about growing up quickly and realising that your parents are not heroes, but big dopes with no idea what’s going on – just like you.
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Rhubarb And Custard
aired Feb 28, 2013
i''m miss this show so much
Arnold is everything.
This season started weak but now is SO GOOD! I love Hannah and Arnold so much! Too bad Tom is kinda of douche now. :(
@StarkidAmanda Thanks.
@Vesper - The opening theme is ‘I’ll Be Fine’ by Clairy Browne and the Bangin’ Rackettes (according to Josh Thomas' tumblr)
Very cute and quirky I hope there will be more episodes.
Good, honest, funny show.
Does anyone know the name of the opening song?t