A Horseman Riding By is a 13 part BBC drama series that was first broadcast in 1978. The series was based on two of the three books in R F Delderfield's A Horseman Riding By trilogy and starred Nigel Havers as Paul Craddock, a young man who was invalided out of the Boer war and invited to become squire of the long neglected Shallowford estate in Devon.
Paul has to use all his charm and guile to convince the old families of the valley that he is capable of doing the job. Fortunately he is assisted by estate keeper John Rudd (Glyn Houston) who knows their ways.
After a disastrous marriage to flighty Grace Lovell (Fiona Gaunt) Paul eventually marries Claire Derwent (Prunella Ransome). They make a great couple and face the challenges that beset the valley together. The biggest challenge of all is the Great War, which sees the valley lose many of its inhabitants and Paul back in service.