

Based on the wildly popular comic book series "Hellblazer" from DC Comics, seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine specializes in giving hell... hell. Armed with a ferocious knowledge of the dark arts and his wickedly naughty wit, he fights the good fight - or at least he did. With his soul already damned to hell, he's decided to leave his do-gooder life behind. But when demons target Liv, the daughter of one of Constantine's oldest friends, he's reluctantly thrust back into the fray - and he'll do whatever it takes to save her. Before long, it's revealed that Liv's "second sight," an ability to see the worlds behind our world and predict supernatural occurrences, is a threat to a mysterious new evil that's rising in the shadows. And now it's not just Liv who needs protection; the angels are starting to get worried too. So, together, Constantine and Liv must use her power and his skills to travel the country, find the demons that threaten our world - and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows... maybe there's hope for him and his soul after all.

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aired Oct 25, 2014


FEER5698 (Jun 17, 2015)

season 1 has an open ending or does it have a proper ending ?

kamaradu (Jun 10, 2015)

It looks like Constantine is staying cancelled. The low-rated NBC series was officially dropped by the network last month but the studio, Warner Bros. TV, kept hope alive by shopping season two to other channels.
Constantine showrunner Daniel Cerone had said that the casts and writer contracts would run out this month and now, Cerone says that all options have been exhausted.

kamaradu (May 09, 2015)

<<NBC has officially passed on ordering a second season of Constantine. It sounds like The CW may be a potential buyer.>>

TheJWoman (Feb 28, 2015)

@Xoundor nope, he died and became an angel c:

zazboy (Feb 03, 2015)

You can count on it. I like the show though.

CrusnikCore (Feb 02, 2015)

@zazboy So it's still a prediction by zap2it. It's not confirmed yet. Despite production seems to be shutting down.

zazboy (Feb 02, 2015)

@CrusnikCore -canceled-ignore-warner-brothers-mind-tricks-to-the-contrary/333558/

CrusnikCore (Jan 31, 2015)

@zazboy Source?

zazboy (Jan 31, 2015)


xoSilverFox (Nov 02, 2014)

Awesome pilot, definitely will be following this one with high hopes.

francisarrabal (Oct 26, 2014)

Creo que el primer episodio de Constantine funciona mejor como capítulo regular de la serie que como piloto, que es lo que es. Estoy expectante de ver cómo evolucionan los primeros capítulos de la temporada para decidirme, porque por lo que hemos podido ver hasta ahora no podemos tener una opinión bien formada sobre lo que la nueva serie de la NBC nos va a ofrecer.

I think the first episode of Constantine works best as a regular episode of the series pilot, which is what it is. I'm waiting to see how they evolve the first chapters of the season to decide, because from what we have seen so far we can not have strong views on what the new NBC series we will offer.

Xoundor (Jul 28, 2014)

So Michael was able to leave the Island after all. Good for him.

izkim (Jul 11, 2014)
Nicktim (Jul 02, 2014)


Morgan (Jul 02, 2014)

Boring...for now.

Fenice (Jul 01, 2014)

Pilot very good

zvucnjak (May 12, 2014)

Man, I was just thinking recently about getting the comic... Damn ESP :)
I'm so looking forward to it!

gieltjegitaar (May 12, 2014)

Trailer added under Videos tab!

  • Currently 3.7/5 stars.
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  • 3.7 (95 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Unknown
  • Premiered Oct 24, 2014
  • Genre Drama, Horror/Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
  • Country United States
  • Network NBC
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Checked 5 hours ago
  • Last Updated Jan 24, 2021