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Crime Stories Season 3

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awaiting 10 votes
3x01 The Conservative Killer aired Mar 09, 2006

In 1983 the ex-wife of Cabinet Minister Colin Thatcher is found brutally murdered in her garage. Police have their suspect, but pointing the finger at powerf... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x02 The Homicidal Drifter aired Mar 16, 2006

Spring 1998. In the city of Moncton, New Brunswick police discover the bodies of Joan Hicks and her 11-year-old daughter, Nina - both brutally murdered late ... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x03 The Casebook Rapist aired Apr 25, 2006

An international student is found raped and murdered in the bathroom of her high-rise apartment. Police on the scene have few concrete leads, but painstaking... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x04 The Victoria Day Shooter aired Mar 30, 2006

On a single rain-soaked night during the Victoria Day weekend, police are called to the scene of three very similar crimes. Three sex-workers found dead only... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x05 The Bedroom Strangler airdate unknown

Women are being attacked in their beds at night. At each crime scene police find no trace of forced entry and are baffled as to how this intruder is gaining ... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x06 The Lady-Killer airdate unknown

A hunter on the outskirts of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan stumbles across human remains. Police are called to the scene and over the next two months, two more ful... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x07 The Elusive Rapist airdate unknown

In the winter of 1968, the prairie city of Saskatoon is ravaged by a string of savage rapes. A few months later, fears are bolstered when a young nurse is fo... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x08 The Butcher of St. Eustache airdate unknown

Near Montreal, a husband comes home from work and finds his wife bound, gagged and shot in the head. There is no evidence of sexual assault or theft and poli... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x09 The Boogeyman airdate unknown

On a rainy night in Edmonton, Alberta police are called to a trucking yard where the body of a 6-year-old girl laying face down in the mud rattles the most s... read more

awaiting 10 votes
3x10 The Murderous Mastermind airdate unknown

In downtown Edmonton, a prominent business owner is found shot to death in his business. Police on the scene discover several suspicious clues, leading them ... read more


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