In the year 2019, the United States has become a third-world country in the wake of the Pulse -- an electromagnetic shockwave unleashed by nuclear terrorists in 2009. This is Max's (Jessica Alba) world, an unforgiving place even for a genetically-engineered soldier like her. From her point of view, she's just a revved-up girl trying to make a run-down world a better place. On the run from her creators and constantly in search of her past, Max joins forces with the idealistic cyberjournalist "Eyes Only", otherwise known as Logan Cale (Michael Weatherly). This show is an entertaining combination of action, drama, humor, romance and suspense, and it is an intriguing "what if" look into the not-too-distant future.
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aired Oct 03, 2000
@poeimoei Yeah, just like "Dollhouse" was.
underrated for sure.