Set thousands of years after the destruction of our civilization, the story follows an Elven Princess, Amberle, a half-human half-elf, Wil, and a human, Eretria, as they embark on a quest to stop a Demon army from destroying the Four Lands.
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aired Jan 05, 2016
The Shannara Chronicles (Spike) – Canceled
Making an ambush with appearing enemy out of nowhere and already with swords on the necks of the protagonists is a lot to me .....unfollowing
Awesome! Probably the best new TV series for 2016 so far!
I've watched the first 5 episodes! The acting and such has it's drawbacks but I love the style it's trying to go for. The sets and fashion look awesome!
@Dmpstrbaby Yeah I get that, but just because it's aimed toward teens doesn't mean it has to be sh!t in every way possible ..
@Foaman Dude it's a teen show oriented towards teen viewers, coming from a YA book. It never was going to be anything else.
Could have been as big as GOT, could have been way more epic, could have been the LOTR of tv.. But it's non of that and let me break it down to you real quick..
1- Great CGI, best I have seen on a tv show
2- Cinematic techniques worthy of a block buster movie
3- The fights with the demons are pretty good (thanks to the amazing Manu Bennett, he makes anything epic)
4- Interesting premise and world
5- Manu Bennett
6- The sets are decent
1- The script is dreadful and feels like it was written by a bunch of teenagers
2- Pushing waaaaaay too much for completely unnecessary romance
3- Cringe-worthy dialogue
4- Every cliche possible is found here
5- Pretty bad acting all around
6- Story unfolding EXTREMELY fast, they could have easily spread what happened in the first 4 episodes into 10 and worked on other much needed aspects of the show like hmm let me see, have they never heard of something called character development??????? Now speaking of that >>>
7- AWFUL character development, the characters are evolving WAY WAY WAY too fast and the only explanation I have for it is that they basically get to know each other more and decide to evolve between shooting scenes, I'm serious ..
Wanna see an excellent example of character progression? Watch how the character of Clarke Griffin evolved on "the 100" ..
Really really really wanted to like it but I can't help but feel being on MTV completely ruined its chances of being something even half decent for good.
This looks very good for now especially if u take into account other MTV shows this one is something new and much better.
Well, the first 3 episodes aired in the same day and now 1 day later episode 4 was already released so I've already watched the first 4 episodes and it's pretty fucking great.
Was the first two episodes, its pretty great.
Set thousands of years after the destruction of our civilization, the story follows an Elven Princess, Amberle, a half-human half-elf, Wil, and a human, Eretria, as they embark on a quest to stop a Demon army from destroying the Four Lands.
The Shannara Chronicles | Official First Look | Comic-Con 2015
I think its gonna suck.