It’s 1989, and we meet 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper, the beloved character from THE BIG BANG THEORY. We get a peek into the early years-with voiceover from Jim Parsons-of a genius who is misunderstood by his family, classmates and neighbors.
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aired Sep 26, 2017
This was great. Seven years of good comedy
series finale with an unforgettable hour of television... goodbye sheldon...
Young Sheldon: Ending after season 7
"Young Sheldon: seasons 5, 6 and 7 (CBS) – Renewed"
Only the first two episodes of season 5 are listed. The first 5 episodes were already on air.
This is surprisingly good. Young Sheldon is significantly more likeable than his adult character on Big Bang. The cast is very good. His twin sister is a hoot. His older brother Georgie is totally a find. Reminds me a little if Axk on The Middle, another self-centered teenager with, sometimes, a heart of gold.
None of the episodes are showing up on Google Calendar.
Episode 12 has aired.
Episode 13 (A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovely) airs on the 17th Jan.
Renewed / Announced: Jan. 6, 2018
the pilot it's actually better than tbbt
it felt it was missing something from that, and then I realized it was the laugh track. there is none, and It seems it can be watched without watching tbbt first, it's like sheldon at his purest and best like he was in the first seasons. I'll keep watching.
It's trash. Same as Big Bang Theory.
Can this asshole stop milking this garbage already?
I hope this will be trash, otherwise I'll feel obligated to watch this.