

Teen tennis prodigy Justine suffers a career-ending tragedy on the world stage at the French Open. Five years later, she seems to have healed, but her peace is shattered when her old coach Glenn returns home, having won the French Open with a new player. When Justine makes an explosive allegation against Glenn, the stately world of tennis is rocked by lies, deceit and a desperate bid for control.

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1x01 Episode 1
aired Jul 20, 2023


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  • Awaiting 10 votes
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  • Status Returning series
  • Premiered Jul 21, 2023
  • Genre Drama, Sport
  • Country United Kingdom
  • Network Amazon Prime Video
  • Runtime 51 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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  • Last Checked 5 days ago
  • Last Updated Jul 22, 2023