The palace of Ithaca, after the departure of its king, is invaded by suitors, who revel in it waiting for its queen ...
Ulysses arrives on the island of the Phaeacians and, on the beach, is rescued by Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinoo. Conducted to ...
Aedo Demodocus arrives at the banquet of King Alcinoo to tell about the extermination of the Trojans ...
Ulysses tells of the terrible encounter with the giant Polyphemus and his ingenious ideas to escape the ...
Ulysses arrived on the island of the sorceress Circe, who will keep him with her for a year before letting him leave. About her…
Concluded the story of his adventures, from the meeting with the Sirens to the arrival on the island of Calypso, Ulysses ago ...
Under the guise of a beggar, Ulysses enters the court and duels with the suitors. Penelope, who has not yet ...
None of the participants in the competition knows that the only one able to draw the bow is Ulysses, who finally kills everyone ...