
crazygirlie89 • Sien

Last logged in 2 hours ago


theRecommender (Dec 30, 2014)

Hi there crazygirlie89,
I am the Recommender and I have analyzed the viewing habbits of all the users. Now I am able to give you recommendations matching the series you love and follow.

You should watch Dexter because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, House, The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones
You should watch Arrow because you already follow Marvel s Agents of S H I E L D, Game of Thrones
You should watch Breaking Bad because you already follow How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, Friends

If you want to recieve new recommendations on a monthly basis you should add me as a friend and I'll keep you updated.

crazygirlie89 (Nov 09, 2014)

@Godchaser schijnbaar :D
maar ben al efkes bezig zenne, wisselde nogal af

Godchaser (Nov 09, 2014)

Aha! Ook Once Upon a Time begonnen :D
Goeie serie, eh!! :-p

Kraver (Dec 04, 2013)

Hey, ik zag je profiel toen ik keek of attack on titan al een vervolg seizoen heeft. Je volgt veel gelijkaardige series, kan je me iets aanraden?

Scyonn (Apr 22, 2012)

@crazygirlie89 lol sometimes I can be smart... sometimes.. :P

But no, i don´t know you. I´m new here and I´m, adding people, best way to find new shows. hope you dont mind!

crazygirlie89 (Apr 22, 2012)

@Scyonn haha yes :p

Scyonn (Apr 22, 2012)

lol, im sorry i didn't understood what you wrote :P
I will assume that you asked me if i know you? =P

sportxgirl (Feb 20, 2012)

druk programma? :p

sportxgirl (Feb 16, 2012)

try grey's anatomy ;)

crazygirlie89 (Apr 06, 2011)

@dRbFmc khad u al gegoogled :D
btw, schijnt da ik de nieuwe nico ben, nu schijten ze op mij :p

dRbFmc (Apr 06, 2011)

Nicholas xD

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  • Country Belgium
  • Join date Mar 31, 2011
