After Oceanic Air flight 815 tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island, its survivors were forced to find inner strength they never knew they had in order to survive. But they discovered that the island holds many secrets, including a mysterious smoke monster, polar bears, a strange French woman and another group of island residents known as 'The Others'. The survivors have also found signs of those who came to the island before them, including a 19th century sailing ship called The Black Rock, the remains of an ancient statue and bunkers belonging to the Dharma Initiative, a group of scientific researchers.
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aired Sep 23, 2004
A good read for any fans who've finished the series:
Best TV show ever. My favorite season in order are: 2,3,1,4,5,6.
I heard about this many good opinions... I must check it :)
Also I personally loved the finale! Which was a super pleasant surprise
Easily one of the most beautiful shows I have ever watched. I'm going to miss it so so much and hold it with me for a long time.
@DannyJ108 I agree with you on LOST.
I actually read a blog where someone explains EVERYTHING in LOST, even the (very few) things left unanswered at the end, most of which aren't even important.
I'd have to say my favorite seasons are 2>4>3>1>5>6
@zvucnjak In A Song of Ice and Fire books they also call them White Walkers and Otherrs. In the series they use white walkers not because of LOST (but they do prefer to use the white walkers term more due to that), but because George R.R. Martin decided to call them that.
P.S: LOST's series finale was totally awesome and so is the entire series.The finale is cool because it concentrates on the characters and not on the islands mysteries. People thought the finale was gonna be all answers answers answers, and it didn't have to be that way. The things they left unresolved (which are really only 4 things), the writers leave it that way so that you can imagine what the answer to that enigma could be (you were explaining the show to yourself, explain those unsolved mysteries too ;) ). I've watched the entire series two times and I plan to watch it a third time (I've got it on Blu-Ray :D) and let me tell you that you enjoy it the most the first time, but you understand it better the second time. A lot of the things that you thought were unexplained, when you watch it the second time it all makes sense hahaha
My favourite seasons are 4>3>5>1>2>6. None of them are bad, just not as good as the others LOL
Long story short, LOST is awesome and no matter what the haters say, it's a wonderful series from beggining to end, and yes, I include The End.
I don't know how to use the spoiler tag :(
Finally done...
The way I was explaining the show to myself it was pretty good, and my theory made sense right until that moment about 9 min before the end (you know, with Jack's father), when I went "Oh, crap"... I mean, I can understand "that" explanation, I just don't like it... It makes a lot of things in the show not only unanswered, but also pointless... And it makes the whole show rather sad... They worked much better in my version :)
OK I'm at the start of Season 4... Is this what being high is like?
So I guess I know why they used "White Walkers" in the Game of Thrones show instead of "The Others" ... :/
@Foxhound i hadn't known about the spoiler tags so i just put that comment out there. thanks for bringing my attention and i have edited it.
i didn't say it made the episodes bad. sure i enjoyed it when i was watching but the ending made every single minute i spent seem like a waste since what made me enjoy it was the buildup and that vaporised. it made me feel like the time i put into it was all for nothing and i can never get that back
@aniforprez "this show kept me enthralled for every single episode [...] i cannot believe i wasted all this time."
That doesn't sound like a waste of time to me. Not liking the final episode doesn't mean the other 100+ episodes suddenly become awful.
Also, please don't post spoilers on a show's main page.
i'm pretty sure that's how 99% (even of the hardcore LOST-fans) felt after the show ended. Still bugs me when i think about it... but luckily that was the only downside for me, so i still enjoyed (almost) everything until the final episode, because i didn't see that cheap loophole coming.
This show is addicting, but shallow and disappointing. I hated it because I had to watch it, but I didn't like any characters and I didn't buy into any of the plot.
@justmike really? SHOW SPOILER i was thinking up until the final episode that there would be an explanation for all the weird shit. instead they made the worst cop out in history by dumping them all into deadman's wonderland and forget any of the questions.
@aniforprez It's not all been for nothing :) I liked the final episode though...