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School Rumble Season 2

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awaiting 10 votes
2x01 「ScrambleなReloaded! SuperstarにRequest! ScandalousなRestart!」 aired Apr 03, 2006

Scramble Reloaded!: The situation between Yakumo and Harima goes from bad to worse when Tenma thinks that the two are dating.

awaiting 10 votes
2x02 「策謀 戦場 朋友」 aired Apr 10, 2006

Strategy: Class 2-C is the only class that hasn't decided on what to do for the upcoming Cultural Festival. Should they do a cafe or a theatrical play (or ev... read more

awaiting 10 votes
2x03 「美獣vs美獣 軍神vs軍神 生徒vs生徒」 aired Apr 17, 2006

Nakamura is about to shoot Asou, but a snipers bullet causes him to dive out of the way instead.

awaiting 10 votes
2x04 「演劇で妄想! 銭湯で妄想! オニギリで妄想!」 aired Apr 24, 2006

Since everyone in class has ideas for the play, Mai and Yuuki makes each person write it up, on the condition that they cant include themselves.

awaiting 10 votes
2x05 「オミズは文化 マンガは文化 ケーキもブンカ」 aired May 01, 2006

The day of the culture festival has finally arrived!

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2x06 「スリーピング・ビースト キッス・インポッシブル フィナーレ」 aired May 08, 2006

Harima shows Yakumo a part of his manga, where a prince (Harima) has to save a sleeping princess (Tenma).

awaiting 10 votes
2x07 「闘え、ハンター!闘え、イーター!闘え、アルバイター!」 aired May 15, 2006

The girls are together for an outing in the mountains.

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2x08 「はっちゃけ☆女子バスケ部誕生! はっちゃけ☆よろしく先輩 はっちゃけ☆涙のブランコ…」 aired May 22, 2006

Tenma is excited about playing basketball after reading a basketball manga.

awaiting 10 votes
2x09 「パス! ドリブル! シュート!」 aired May 29, 2006

With Satsuki still unable to make her shots, Tae sends Asou to give her some help

awaiting 10 votes
2x10 「ヒィー! ヒィー!ヒィー! ヒィー!ヒィー!ヒィー!」 aired Jun 12, 2006

Tenma goes on a diet, but fails horribly at sticking with it.

awaiting 10 votes
2x11 「ナポレオン、生と死の間で… 西本、性と志の間で… サラ、聖と私の間で…」 aired Jun 19, 2006

Everyone is attending Mikotos familys nabe party.

awaiting 10 votes
2x12 「パーフェクト、禁止! 立ち入り、禁止! 半ズボン、禁止!」 aired Jun 26, 2006

Tenma goes to the library to study, but ends up sleeping instead.

awaiting 10 votes
2x13 「振りかえればヤツがいる。 カラスマの名にカケて。 謎はすべて解けた!」 aired Jul 03, 2006

There is a legend of a ryuunen-sensei - a teacher who appears whenever a student is in danger of failing and being held back a grade.

awaiting 10 votes
2x14 「at メルカド inアメリカ(26F) withアメリカ(26h)」 aired Jul 10, 2006

The class celebrates Tenmas birthday by having a party.

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2x15 「締めだされた男 招かれた男 試された男」 aired Jul 17, 2006

Harimas manga actually gets published in place of Karasumas.

awaiting 10 votes
2x16 「誰にも縛られたくない~ もう学校や家には帰りたくない~ 暗い夜の帳の中で~」 aired Jul 24, 2006

Harima wakes up all tied up outside the Tsukamoto home.

awaiting 10 votes
2x17 「…愛理の逃避行 …播磨のララバイ …偽りの花嫁」 aired Jul 31, 2006

Nakamura sees Eri ride away with Harima, but he cant catch them.

awaiting 10 votes
2x18 「バイトの甘いワナ 教室の甘いワナ セレブの甘いワナ」 aired Aug 07, 2006

Eri tells Mikoto about how she stayed together with Harima under a single blanket at the temple.

awaiting 10 votes
2x19 「こっちもあっちもX’マス! 驀進FOR X’マス! 砕けろX’マス!」 aired Aug 14, 2006

Finally finished with his manuscript, Harima wants to have Tenma to read it first.

awaiting 10 votes
2x20 「友だち以上…恋人未満…それ以前…」 aired Aug 21, 2006

This act starts out with Karens brother, Kousuke pestering a very tired Karen while she is brushing her teeth.

awaiting 10 votes
2x21 「…スクランです。 ……スクランですよ。 ………スクランですってば!」 aired Aug 21, 2006

It's School Rumble: My Mai Dream! Mai, the princess of the Magical Realm, wants to use the rare blue Damask rose to make Masked Kamen fall for her, but The E... read more

awaiting 10 votes
2x22 「初夢 獅子舞 お正月」 aired Aug 28, 2006

The Phantom has found a worthy opponent. First Dream: It's not the first time Harima had dreamt about Tenma accepting his love but this is the first dream... read more

awaiting 10 votes
2x23 「ドリームジャンボ ドリームジャンプ ドリームプレス」 aired Sep 04, 2006

Tenma decides it's time to lose some weight yeah, right. Jumbo Dream : Tenma and her friends have gone skiing, while Itoko and her friend have gone to Oki... read more

awaiting 10 votes
2x24 「南の虹の2-C! ふしぎな島のヤークモ! 七つの海の…!」 aired Sep 11, 2006

All the students of 2-C go on Eri's cruise through the Pacific for their winter vacation. They eventually hit a reef and the engine breaks down, leaving them... read more

awaiting 10 votes
2x25 「ロマンチックだね、播磨くん! ジンガマに載った、播磨くん! キャモ~ン♥、播磨くん!」 aired Sep 18, 2006

Harima gets unexpected assistance from Tenma for his manga, increasing their bond. Yakumo remembers a book from her childhood.

awaiting 10 votes
2x26 「・(ピリオド)」 aired Sep 25, 2006

Harima has his best chance yet to confess to Tenma. There are big news about Karasuma. Yakumo is visited again by the ghost girl, who interrogates her abou... read more


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