A show about nothing, or is it? Seinfeld revolves around the everyday lives of four single New Yorkers. Jerry Seinfeld (as himself) is a comedian whose next door neighbor, Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards), is a professional moocher, the brains behind several get-rich-quick schemes, and is over at Jerry's apartment more than his own. Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dryfess) is Jerry's ex-girlfriend who he remains good friends with. George Costanza (Jason Alexander) is a short, stalky, bald man, who for most of his life, lived with his parents.
Seinfeld, said to be a show about nothing, was actually about a lot. It showcased the lives of four friends who would discuss their lives as they ate at their favorite cafe, Monk's. Seinfeld will go down in history as the show that revolutionized TV.
I love this show.
@az25 I didn't watch from the beginning, granted, that might mean I'm missing things, I'll give you that. But there are re-runs on tv constantly, and I've seen more episodes then I care to remember. Anyways, Jerry always has this idiotic smile on his face when he's saying something funny, an has almost no other expressions. The rest of the crew are pretty good actors, it's mainly Jerry I was talking about. Really, what the hell is he thinking? I personally don't even like his stand-up comedy, sometimes it's funny, but most of the time it's just his voice that makes me laugh, because yes, he has got a funny personality, but that's it.
I can imagine however that when you grew up with seinfeld in a similar environment with similar friends, it's hilarious. But I didn't, so no thank you.
@Artifex What makes this fake and badly acted for you? Also, how far did you get before stopping?
@Kompaan I know you do, bro, I know you do.
I totally agree with you, Artifex.
How can anyone give this 5 stars? It's the most over-rated, un-funny comedy I know... It's just so fake, so badly acted... Just not funny. Seinfield's stand-up shows are ok, but this show, is terrible.
These pretzels are making me thirsty
No soup for you....next!
best show ever !!
I'm ... OUT!