In this highly successful spin-off to the original Star Trek, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Galaxy-Class starship, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, set out to explore the final frontier. Along the way, they make first contact with myriad different species and solve reconflicts among those societies with whom they were already familiar, most notably the Klingon Empire.
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aired Sep 28, 1987
This is the first time I'm watching a Star Trek show, I've only seen the three most recent movies and maybe 45 minutes of First Contact. After feeling somewhat disappointed by the first episode of The Next Generation I found out that season 1 and 2 actually have a bad reputation. But now I'm at about two-thirds of the first season and I'm surprised by how much I like it! Sure, there's obviously some bad acting and writing and a lot of the effects are very unconvincing, but that's just made some of these episodes more entertaining to me. From what I've gathered, it will be easier to take this series seriously in the coming seasons. Right now, it does (try to) get quite serious at times, but followed or preceded by these offbeat, non-serious moments.. I do enjoy it, and I think it's very funny for instance how these characters just seem to be horny all the time. I wonder how similar this all is to The Original Series, which I hope to watch too someday. Apparently some of these episodes of TNG are pretty much rehashes of TOS. (It helps that I don't notice, haha.) I'm excited to see what TNG will become when it "grows the beard"!
Star Trek Discovery is coming !
Please update
Holiday fever begins...
Good thing they're remastering it for Blu Ray, it really looks good!
@josbeir nothing beats TOS.
Totally agree with the post below, it took a couple of seasons to find its feet and the writing was superb in season 4-6.
The show "starts" in season 3. And it only gets better... Sometimes I'm amazed at how good some old episodes are.
@Lemon I would say that seasons 4 thru 6 were when the show was at its peak. Seasons 1 and 2 have a lot of cheesy plots, it's way better by season 3.
Which seasons are considered to be the best?
So I started again :)
It was on the one hand awful to watch... Old SFX, bad acting (Troi was hilarious "thheee paaaiiinnn"), cliché plot... But on the other hand it was great to see TNG again. Especially knowing how good it will all turn out to be with great acting and lots of great stories.
Saw these all during my teens, but I'm planning to start again with all things Star Trek... Should be fun :)
Just started season 2, loving it so far.
best star trek ... ever!