This is a period drama series illustrating the daily lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in Downton Abbey - their stately home. The Crawleys have been the Earls of Grantham since 1772. In the drawing rooms and library and beautiful bedrooms, with their tall windows looking across the park, lives the family, but below stairs are other residents, the servants, as fiercely possessive of their ranks as anyone above.
Some of them are loyal to the family and are committed to Downton as a way of life, others are moving through, on the look out for new opportunities or love or just adventure. The difference being that they know so many of the secrets of the family, while the family knows so few of theirs.
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Episode 1
aired Sep 26, 2010
Having heard endless praises of this show for years, I finally decided to watch it. Turns out I don't think it's exactly worth the hype. It certainly had some issues in its format, but overall I did like it and am glad to have seen it, never once did I hope it would "already be over" while watching and getting nearer the ending did make me sad to not have more of it.
yep... this is the end... a great ending for a great show!
its ending...i cant believe its ending </3
Update the list of episodes pls!!!
Their source is offline... They're trying alternate solutions.... We just need to wait.
Where is the 2nd episode?? o.o
Already episode 2 from season 6, but it's not here...
@CanisLuna me, too. What's going on? There's another episodeless show on my list
hope someone will update the 6th season's episodes
hope this last season nobody gets killed suddenly...
@CanisLuna thank you!
@fidelius special episodes are here :)
The Christmas specials are essential, I'd say they're the actual finales, why aren't they in the base?
Season 5!!! :D New characters and Downton's growing fourth generation: Fifi Hart as little Sybbie, twins Zac and Oliver Barker as heir George. And Richard E.Grant as Simon Bricker - playing an art expert visiting the Crawleys at Downton Abbey. George Clooney has filmed a special scene for Downton Abbey, a special appearance in the Christmas Special.
pleasantly surprised with this show. Thought it would bore me, turns out that it is indeed a bit slow, dragging out the intrigue long after you've sorted it -- but then I'm not above fast forwarding.
Looking forward to the new series I should say -- additionally, new episodes delivered over time rather than a series each evening should keep me more interested even when it does drag a bit.
Julian Fellows is evil, I can't even
I tried to add Christmas Episode (series 2), but tvrage won't let me:/ And "A Journey to the Highlands" is already there, in tvrage base, but somehow it's not visible here.
Christmas Special:
Downton Abbey 3.09 - A Journey to the Highlands
Verry important !!!
please add Christmas Episode! :D
@mrVazil It's an essential part of the series; by all means, don't skip it. Much happens!