Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex

Masters Of Sex stars Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan as the real-life pioneers of the science of human sexuality, William Masters and Virginia Johnson. The series chronicles the unusual lives, romance and pop culture trajectory of Masters and Johnson. Their research touched off the sexual revolution and took them from a mid-western teaching hospital in St. Louis to the cover of Time magazine and nearly a dozen appearances on Johnny Carson's couch. Masters Of Sex marks Sheen's first regular series role for television. The series is an adaptation of Thomas Maier's book Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, The Couple Who Taught America How To Love.

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1x01 Pilot
aired Sep 30, 2013


nybb (Dec 05, 2016)
NadTV (Dec 18, 2013)

This is the kind of tv shows med students should watch. Not Grey's.

Beu (Dec 09, 2013)

porra, enfim um vicio @Lenon. não uma série cool, um VICIO.

Lenon (Dec 09, 2013)

quando eu disse q era o melhor pilot do ano, ng acreditou lmao @Beu

Beu (Dec 09, 2013)

@Lenon episodio 11 nem foi ao ar, já estou com o torrent aberto esperando sair release. HAHAHAHA

Baltimore (Oct 28, 2013)

This show makes me so happy :) And I am really excited that there will be a second season!

Prime (Oct 22, 2013)
aniforprez (Oct 10, 2013)

this is quite good. of course i must admit it's the name that made me want to look up the show but i'm staying for it's characters, the 50s era style and the very ingenious concept without the use of poon for the sake of and nothing else. i think i'm really going to enjoy this

Elhis (Oct 06, 2013)

@killmotion I absolutely agree with you :)

Jos (Oct 04, 2013)

@killmotion Well put.

killmotion (Oct 03, 2013)

I've really enjoyed the first 2 episodes so far. It's nice to see a show that has sex in it that doesn't seem gratuitous. The sex is in there mostly as social commentary and the rest is all about the education of it, as the show is set in the 50s and the whole point is the characters want to understand the human body better. If you're calling it boring or just want to see boobs go watch some porn.

kakature (Sep 25, 2013)

Lizzy Caplan's tits? Where do I sign up!?

navinpais (Sep 24, 2013)

The show isnt great, its original though, they get a point for that & 2 points for Lizzy Caplan's beautiful t*t$. But only so much of them u can watch & not be bored.

Fairiestale (Sep 18, 2013)

First Episode Already On. I didn't like it..

  • Currently 4.2/5 stars.
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  • 4.2 (117 votes)
  • Poor
  • Nothing special
  • Worth watching
  • Pretty cool
  • Awesome
  • Status Ended
  • Premiered Sep 29, 2013
  • Genre Drama
  • Country United States
  • Network Showtime
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Links IMDb, TheTVDB


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Importer Status

  • Last Checked 15 hours ago
  • Last Updated Feb 28, 2021